[RFI] BPL Protest Opportunity? & BC-AM Ant Improvement?

AA6DX aa6dx at pacbell.net
Wed May 5 12:06:17 EDT 2004

BEST car radio ever?  From a junkyard 1956 Buick ... ran it in the house
using a jumper in the vibrator socket, fed with filament xfmr circa 1965.
LONG warrrrr aerial ..
Had the speaker built in .. what a sound.
Radio Tokyo pounded in nightly ..
73, Mark  AA6DX
----- Original Message ----- 
From: <dgsvetan at rockwellcollins.com>
To: <rfi at contesting.com>
Sent: Wednesday, May 05, 2004 7:34 AM
Subject: Re: [RFI] BPL Protest Opportunity? & BC-AM Ant Improvement?

> Mike and Doc,
> I agree that factory radios are actually very good sets (possible
> being the very bottom end units).  In 1999, I spent more than a month at a
> factory where auto radios were the main production item.  (My company was
> providing an EMC test chamber to the radio manufacturing company and I was
> responsible for system integration.)  I can tell you that the factory
> radios get extensive EMI/EMC testing.  I have to presume that they contain
> components to resolve RFI issues - I never saw any schematics while I was
> there.  However, hard to pass the tests if the units aren't designed
> Back in the days when car radios where more option than standard issue, a
> car radio cost a fair number of bucks compared to what you could find at
> the local department or appliance store.  Performance costs - and in car
> radios, they don't have to make anything other than the front panel look
> nice.  Sure, aftermarket sets generally cost less than the factory radio,
> but it is probably a fair guess that you are getting a lot less.  These
> radios seem to emphasize gadgets and lots of audio power output.  I'll bet
> it's a real "blast" when a 500 watt car stereo is in a vehicle that is
> passing an 18 wheeler and the trucker signs with "10-4, Good Buddy" while
> running his 500 watt "flamethrower".
> One of my favorite customer calls was from an engineer at a car radio
> manufacturer.  He said that his new radio design worked fine until the
> clock for the microprocessor was activated.  My EMC advice to him was
> "leave out the clock".  He had a poor sense of humor.
> Incidentally, despite what the faceplate of your car's radio says for a
> brand name ("Ford", "Chrysler", "Saturn", etc.), there is a pretty good
> chance that the car maker did not make that radio.  The factory in which I
> spent several weeks working was owned by a non-automotive manufacturer and
> cranked out radios for at least three different major car names.
> 73, Dale
>                       "Michael Tope"
>                       <W4EF at dellroy.com        To:       <kd4e at arrl.net>,
<rfi at contesting.com>
>                       >                        cc:
>                       Sent by:                 Subject:  Re: [RFI] BPL
Protest Opportunity? & BC-AM Ant Improvement?
>                       rfi-bounces at conte
>                       sting.com
>                       05/05/2004 04:37
>                       AM

> > More directly on-Topic for this RFI list, anyone
> > know of an add-on BC-AM preamp for the car?  Or
> > a source for a better antenna (no room inside the
> > fender of my Chevy Astro van for a power antenna
> > with a long telescoping whip) -- perhaps a longer
> > fixed whip or a coil base that would electrically
> > lengthen the antenna without making it absurdly
> > tall?
> >
> > I am told that BC-AM tuner sections are junk in
> > all of the new radios and with the coming of
> > digital BC-AM there is no incentive to upgrade
> > the old analog technology.  Meanwhile I'd sure
> > like to strengthen the initially captured signal
> > so the engine and environmental noise doesn't
> > drown-out the weak ones!
> >
> > Off to work ...
> >
> > --
> > Thanks! & 73, doc  kd4e
> > West Central Florida
> I have always found factory radios (at least Fords)
> to have pretty good AM receivers. Most aftermarket
> car stereos seem to be absolutely awful, however.
> If your engine noise is radiated as opposed to
> conducted into your car radio, then using a
> preamplifier probably won't improve the
> signal-to-noise ratio because the noise will get
> amplified just as much as the signal. If the
> noise is conducted you may be able to
> filter the power leads going into your radio.
> I haven't looked into aftermarket BC band
> antennas, so I can't really offer anything
> valuable in that regard.
> 73 de Mike, W4EF..................................
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