wx5l at charter.net
wx5l at charter.net
Thu May 27 10:31:55 EDT 2004
Unless your in a rural area with solar power capabilities or wind power several miles from exisiting distribution lines I'm afraid you'll be susceptable.
Three years ago I had an opportunity to move out in the country far away from traffic, cranky neighbors and line noise...now like a bad dream it's like a nightmare. Any type of unintentional radiation on any band is unacceptable. With my antenna's only 30 feet from the power lines part 15 won't help.
The BPL industry must find a way to notch frequencies that would interfere with primary licensed users.
We can only hope for economic failure but that will take time....time that we will have to endure.
> From: "Jim Jarvis" <jimjarvis at comcast.net>
> Date: 2004/05/27 Thu PM 12:44:00 GMT
> To: <eedwards at tconl.com>, "'Pete Smith'" <n4zr at contesting.com>,
> "EDWARDS, EDDIE J" <eedwards at oppd.com>
> CC: rfi at contesting.com
> Subject: RE: [RFI] BPL on NPR
> Ed,
> It's doubtful that moving to the countryside will avoid
> the noise, if the system ever really builds-out widely.
> Propagation.
> As I said in an early post on the subject, and in some early
> advice to Dave Sumner....on its face, BPL isn't an economic
> provider of broadband, UNLESS there is another cash stream
> for the utilities. Like offsetting meter reading expenses,
> or the ability to provide system control/diagnostics via the
> wideband backchannel.
> I don't know enough about the power industry to know where
> the money is.
> Jim Jarvis
> 410 439 1073 office
> 443 618 5560 cell
> jimjarvis at ieee.org
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Ed -K0iL [mailto:eedwards at tconl.com]
> Sent: Thursday, May 27, 2004 12:25 PM
> To: 'Pete Smith'; EDWARDS, EDDIE J; jimjarvis at ieee.org
> Cc: rfi at contesting.com
> Subject: RE: [RFI] BPL on NPR
> Pete,
> I've not heard of any AMR being done on VLF or the old PLC because the data
> rates are just way too slow. PLC is mainly used for limited system control
> functions. Anything requiring a lot of data throughput like reading tens
> or hundreds of thousands of meters requires a real robust data channel.
> Something BPL broadband could provide.
> I'm not saying they'd put in BPL just for this-- they couldn't justify the
> costs. But if BPL goes in for Internet use then fails, the utility could
> convert the loss into other uses to lessen the impact; or if they're
> leasing the bandwidth to an ISP who owns the BPL equipment--then they could
> pay pennies on the dollar and buy it up for these other uses. The end
> result is it never goes away.
> BPL must be stopped before we all have to move into the countryside just to
> play HF.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Pete Smith [SMTP:n4zr at contesting.com]
> Sent: Wednesday, 26 May, 2004 8:41 PM
> To: EDWARDS, EDDIE J; jimjarvis at ieee.org
> Cc: rfi at contesting.com
> Subject: RE: [RFI] BPL on NPR
> At 05:05 PM 5/26/2004, EDWARDS, EDDIE J wrote:
> >I'm afraid that once a BPL system gets installed in any city, even
> >though the utility might not use it for providing broadband or ISP
> >services at some point, they will still have many uses for it from
> >Automated Meter Reading to Load management to traffic light controls and
> >on and on...
> >
> >Slow to die? I'm not sure it ever will unless the FCC says enough and
> >bands it. What's our chances of that happening?
> >
> >73, de ed -K0iL
> We need some clarification on this -- I understand that automated meter
> reading, etc are done at VLF.
> 73, Pete N4ZR
> The World HF Contest Station Database
> was updated on April 26, 2004
> 2706 contest stations at
> www.pvrc.org/WCSD/WCSDsearch.htm
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