[RFI] Ferrite Beads

Tom Rauch w8ji at contesting.com
Fri Oct 22 09:27:45 EDT 2004

Ah the rub!  Just exactly what job is it that I need done?
Do I need 30 ohms? 60 ohms? 300 ohms?  3K ohms?  What
measurements do I need to make to determine what is needed?
Just exactly what is it that one is supposed to 'study' in
the catalog?  Although I have not looked yet, the Fair-Rite
catalog, to my knowledge, does not have a chart called
"Number of split beads needed to suppress a noisy COP on a
Toyota V8."  Sorry to sound sarcastic here, but the notion
of what is adequate for suppression is somewhat illusive to
me.  Even a hip shot guess from somebody who has done this
before would be great. 1 bead or 10 beads per COP?  >>>

Ford.... respectfully..... this has all been answered many
times in this thread. You certainly have had the best
answers I can give you, and every else seems to generally
have the same answers (outside of some incorrect technical
data about the materials).

In this case it's your car. The cure will be specific to
YOUR exact type of vehicle. Unfortunately you are just going
to have to spend some time and money solving the problem,
that would include looking at catalogs for impedance
measurements of beads and picking the highest impedance. I'm
not going to buy a car and spend a few days working on it so
I can help you beyond general suggestions.

If it was my car, I'd probably just do the work and give it
away to others. Sometimes people even sell information I
give away. A fellow called asking me about PIN diodes for
months saying it was for his "personal" use. It turned out
he made a product. He actually tried to sell me that design
a few years later!!! This has happened multiple times over
the years.

That's why people eventually set limits on how much free
work they do, just so you understand where Jim is coming
from. Like most people, I have a limit as to how much work I
do for free.

73 Tom

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