[RFI] BPL Propaganda, ARRL Rebuttal on NPR's Morning Edition

Jim P jvpoll at dallas.net
Fri Aug 19 20:21:05 EDT 2005

> and the early FCC actions that the Bush administration was

More like a 'holdover idea' from the previous admins, when
the 'idea' of BPL was pushed by a huckster that few hams
(let alone many technical professionals) heard of:

          William 'Luke' Stewart

Luke Stewart 'suckers' congress into his scheme:

Thursday, October 5, 2000
10:00 a.m. - 12:00 noon
2318 Rayburn House Office Building

Wired 9.11: The Electric Kool-Aid Bandwidth Test


 The information, such as telephonic voice communication or
other data, is transmitted in the magnetic field component of
the electromagnetic radiation carried over the power transmission
line, such as by exciting the field with a MASER, in order to
enable communication between the subscribers at the various
electrical sites. The MASER provides an inverted atomic population
by pumping directly, through a Q-switch and a synthetic aperture
lens, into the atomic population of the electromagnetic wave carried
over the power transmission line to produce acoustic wave oscillation
at the appropriate atomic transition frequency. The MASER output is
transmitted within the existing magnetic flux envelope created by
the magnetic field of the electromagnetic radiation carried over the
power transmission line and the power transmission line acts as a
magnetic waveguide for the coherent magnetic frame emissions
from the MASER. Inductive coupling is used to receive the transmitted

"BPL and other tall tales spun by Willian Luke Stewart"

- - - - - - - - - - - - - -

NOW you all know where this myth of free, easy,
cheap internet over 'powerlines' all started ...

          William 'Luke' Stewart

Jim P  /  WB5WPA  /

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Tom Rauch" <w8ji at contesting.com>
To: "Chuck Gooden" <cgooden at insightbb.com>; "Tom Frenaye"
<frenaye at direcway.com>; <RFI at contesting.com>
Sent: Thursday, August 18, 2005 8:22 PM
Subject: Re: [RFI] BPL Propaganda, ARRL Rebuttal on NPR's Morning Edition

> No I did not read it too quickly.  I also don't take a few
> words and
> take them out of context.>>
> It was pretty well in front of anyone who was following BPL
> and the early FCC actions that the Bush administration was
> pushing BPL and told the FCC to find a way to make it
> happen. Let's not pretend the FCC and everyone else ignored
> scientific facts all on their own.

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