[RFI] BPL Propaganda, ARRL Rebuttal on NPR's Morning Edition
aa6yq at ambersoft.com
Sat Aug 20 20:15:09 EDT 2005
Sounds like when Reagan jumped on SDI after watching "Diamonds are Forever".
Many folks in government do have a soft spot for technology; unfortunately,
its sometimes their head.
Dave, AA6YQ
-----Original Message-----
From: rfi-bounces at contesting.com [mailto:rfi-bounces at contesting.com] On
Behalf Of Jim P
Sent: Saturday, August 20, 2005 20:00 PM
To: Ed -K0iL; RFI at contesting.com
Subject: Re: [RFI] BPL Propaganda, ARRL Rebuttal on NPR's Morning Edition
> Real Access BPL has been around much longer than this loony guy's
> fantasy
William 'Luke' Stewart promised cheap, easy delivery
of the 'internet' to the 'boonies' via unused BW on
powerlines; I believe he is the only one to have had:
a) a former speaker of the house (Livingston) as well as
b) a national party's chairman (McAuliffe) on his company's
board as well.
On this basis he got A LOT of influential people's
attention, MOST of whom did not then, nor realize now,
he was peddling PURE snake oil and has NEVER
demonstrated his patents in the form of real product.
I think this is why leaders (Powell, Bush et al) continue
to this day to relay this 'technical urban legend'. They
have never come 'full circle' and seen the seeds that
Stewart sowed back in 2000 when he spoke before
that House subcommitee on Technology, got Livingston
and McAuliffe on board, and proceeded to 'play' like
the veritable Wizard of Oz behind gobbly-gook terminology
in meaningless, bogus patents.
That loony Stewart at one point made a trip to Europe/UK
where he supposedly 'got religion' and the idea for his
faulty patent back in the 1990's; I could have sworn that
this was detailed at some level in the wired.com article ...
Legends are easily spread, it seems, like those old
stories about 100 mpg carbs being 'bought up' by
the 'greedy' oil companies before they could be brought
to market; never mind that the science, once known,
once explained, easily puts those old stories to rest.
Jim P / WB5WPA /
----- Original Message -----
From: "Ed -K0iL" <eedwards at tconl.com>
To: <RFI at contesting.com>
Sent: Saturday, August 20, 2005 10:55 AM
Subject: Re: [RFI] BPL Propaganda, ARRL Rebuttal on NPR's Morning Edition
> Real Access BPL has been around much longer than this loony guy's
> fantasy.
> The first time I'd heard of it was at a UTC Expo in 1995 I think.
> Some
> in the U.K. had already done a trial by that time in the previous
> years.
> vaguely remember questions about interference being blown off, just as
> are today. I also remember most the engineers sitting near me thought
> it would never fly here in the states. Too many vast differences in
> distribution design between U.K. & U.S. Or so they thought.
> 73, de ed -K0iL
> -----Original Message-----
> From: rfi-bounces at contesting.com On Behalf Of Jim P
> > and the early FCC actions that the Bush administration was
> More like a 'holdover idea' from the previous admins, when the 'idea'
> of BPL was pushed by a huckster that few hams (let alone many
> technical professionals) heard of:
> William 'Luke' Stewart
> Luke Stewart 'suckers' congress into his scheme:
> Thursday, October 5, 2000
> 10:00 a.m. - 12:00 noon
> 2318 Rayburn House Office Building
> www.house.gov/science/stewart_100500.htm
> Wired 9.11: The Electric Kool-Aid Bandwidth Test
> www.wired.com/wired/archive/9.11/media.html
> BOGUS US Patent
> N/5,982,276
> The information, such as telephonic voice communication or other
> data, is transmitted in the magnetic field component of the
> electromagnetic radiation carried over the power transmission line,
> such as by exciting the field with a MASER, in order to enable
> communication between the subscribers at the various electrical sites.
> The MASER provides an inverted atomic population by pumping directly,
> through a Q-switch and a synthetic aperture lens, into the atomic
> population of the electromagnetic wave carried over the power
> transmission line to produce acoustic wave oscillation at the
> appropriate atomic transition frequency. The MASER output is
> transmitted within the existing magnetic flux envelope created by the
> magnetic field of the electromagnetic radiation carried over the power
> transmission line and the power transmission line acts as a magnetic
> waveguide for the coherent magnetic frame emissions from the MASER.
> Inductive coupling is used to receive the transmitted information.
> "BPL and other tall tales spun by Willian Luke Stewart"
> http://www.dallas.net/~jvpoll/bpl/
> - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
> NOW you all know where this myth of free, easy,
> cheap internet over 'powerlines' all started ...
> William 'Luke' Stewart
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