[RFI] BPL Propaganda, ARRL Rebuttal on NPR's Morning Edition

Jim P jvpoll at dallas.net
Sun Aug 21 19:53:23 EDT 2005

Re: BPL ad nausem in it's present form - you have
presented highly redundant info, Ed.

The promise that Stewart made was that *the 
entire grid* could be utilized and that it represented 
possibly the biggest untapped resource on the 
planet when it came to telecommuncations. The
only thing required was the application of his 
theory in the form of his 'invention'. You did get 
that impression from reading some of the material 
he/his company authored, right?

That's what 'sold' so many politicos AND continues
to keep those fires lit in their desirious little
investor-centered and lobbyist-driven hearts.

Failure to point out the origins of this snake oil
as created by Stewart is to completely miss 
closing the loop - where this stuff all started from
the standpoint of congress and politicos and 
'facts' as portrayed by Stewart and still on the
US House's web server. You can crow about
the harm it presents technically but that holds
little sway in politico circles; word of a grand 
scam is quite another thing, however.

Jim P  / WB5WPA  / 

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