[RFI] Mobile EMI

John Wagner jwagner at dxengineering.com
Wed Dec 7 08:42:07 EST 2005

> Hi All,
> Sorry, I just joined the group and have not had the time to 
> look at the archives. There was an article in QEX, year 2000 
> or so that detailed what a person did to get rid of the 
> engine noise, et al so he could operate mobile.  The article  
> mentioned  an L/C filter (I think) that was called a "filter 
> con".  I have surfed the web and have not found anything like 
> that. Does anyone know what that is and how to get some? My 
> problems are identical in my 2001 Silverado pickup. The fuel 
> pump RFI is just as bad as his. Thanks es 73 Hardy N7RT 

Hardy, Try Alan's web-site k0bg.com, then click under the Mobile section.
Lot of good mobile data there.

This is the first I've heard of Fuel pump noise on Chevy's. Did you ground
the bed to the cab? What about the exhaust system..it be a nice radiator of
noise. Tom has an article about his Ford pickup at w8ji.com, then in RF
noise. His problem was primarily injector noise, but the pictures show how
to ground everything.

DX Engineering carries the proper beads.

73, John

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