[RFI] Remote control ceiling fans

Jim Miller JimMiller at STL-OnLine.Net
Mon Dec 26 12:55:12 EST 2005

My next door neighbor's dad was a ham so he suspected what was happening
when his remote control ceiling fan and light would go on, faster, fastest,
off and the light too would go on and off.  At the time I was still using
the dipoles in my attic as I was prohibited from any other antennas.  Since
then I have put up a Butternut about 75 feet back from the house.  He only
mentioned it to me that one time and he said he just turned it off (I guess
he has a wall switch too) and I haven't heard anything since.  I think he
knows, bottom line, it was HIS problem because of his exposure to the topic
from his dad being a ham but I also think it probably doesn't happen when I
use the Butternut.  AND I actually spend very little time on the radio,
sorry to say.

73, de Jim KG0KP

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Bill NY9H" <ny9h at arrl.net>
To: "WA3GIN in Alex. City, VA" <wa3gin at erols.com>; <rfi at contesting.com>
Sent: Sunday, December 25, 2005 10:09 PM
Subject: Re: [RFI] Touch Lamp and 2m

> My next door neighbor had a touch lamp built in their canopy bed....
> yes it did react to 10-15 & 20 meters from my antenna 100 feet away !!!!
> on, brighter , brightest - off   repeat repeat....
> i never did find out what he did ...
> bill
> >I've got a 2m ringo on the roof of a 4 story house.the touch lamp is on
> >the 2nd fl.  When I xmit on 2m the lamp goes through the three cycles of
> >light.  I found the touch light control box inside the china cabinet.
> >Is there a fix?
> >
> >
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