[RFI] Chattam & Wells/Perfect Fit Industries Electric Blanket

Jim P jvpoll at dallas.net
Thu Feb 10 23:27:52 EST 2005

Unrelated to the recent consent decree involving
Perfect Fit Industries - opening excerpt from:


- - - - -

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE   July 2, 2003   Release # 03-152

CPSC, Perfect Fit Industries Announce Recall of Electric Blankets

WASHINGTON, D.C. - The U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission announces the
following recall in voluntary cooperation with the firm below. Consumers
should stop using recalled products immediately unless otherwise instructed.

Name of product: SOIREE® and Soft n' Warm® Electric Blankets
Units: About 18,000
Manufacturer: Perfect Fit Industries, of Charlotte, N.C.

Hazard: These blankets can overheat, posing a risk of burn injuries to
consumers, especially when the blanket is folded or bunched.

Incidents/Injuries: Perfect Fit is aware of 44 reports of these blankets
overheating, resulting in four reports of minor burn injuries. Damage to the
blankets and bedding materials also have been reported.

- - - - - - -

MORE - see link above

Jim P  /  WB5WPA  /

----- Original Message -----
From: "Mike Martin" <mike at rfiservices.com>
To: "'Hare, Ed W1RFI'" <w1rfi at arrl.org>; "'Jim P'" <jvpoll at dallas.net>;
<ka5s at earthlink.net>; <RFI at contesting.com>; "'Kelly Johnson'"
<n6kj.kelly at gmail.com>; <RFI at contesting.com>
Sent: Thursday, February 10, 2005 5:10 PM
Subject: RE: [RFI] Chattam & Wells/Perfect Fit Industries Electric Blanket

> Hi everyone,
> Several years ago I was investigating an interference complaint and found
> the cause to be an electric blanket.
> At that time it was very common source of TVI/RFI. This one however was a
> little more interesting. It is rare that a customer refuses me access to
> their home to locate a possible fire hazard. This was a neighbor of the
> complainant and a little less than nice.
> I demonstrated the problem it was causing and finally convinced her to
> me access. I found the source to be as suspected, an electric blanket.
> blanket was used as a bed warmer for the Very Old cat. It had been folded
> to fit into a cardboard box about 24 x 12 inches. Gosh how cozy. When I
> picked it up, all but the top and lower layer had melted together and was
> now a pretty solid plastic like molded block. A pretty blue block. It's
> unfortunate that the cat had to suffer from author until the following
> These things are a real fire hazard. If any of you own one, turn of the
> lights while lying under it and give it a fluff and watch the fireworks.
> Ours went in the trash that night.
> I think Ed has heard about my survey concerning house fires. I'll soon
> it on my web site.
> Best wishes to all,
> Mike Martin
> RFI Services
> Cell 240-508-3760
> Office 301-855-5961
> Nextel Direct 164*21*29180
> Fax 410-741-5153
> mike at rfiservices.com
> Check out Our Web Site at rfiservices.com

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