[RFI] FCC fines station for exceeding RF field strength limits (andother things)

Jim P jvpoll at dallas.net
Sun Feb 27 11:35:55 EST 2005

It seems to me this was warranted; reading the
history or 'background' for this particular order
a few months back now IIRC some portion of
the 'radiating' antenna structure was mounted
at observation deck level on a fire lookout tower
compunded by the fact that the antenna itself
was mounted at a height below what was 'filed'
and measured field strengths (in publicly accessable
areas) exceeded 'limits'. This station, BTW, was
authorized for 100,000 Watts ERP.

All in all a 'comedy of many errors' that resulted
in fines for that station's owners. This seems to
happen when those 'errors' are both willful and

Jim  /  WB5WPA  /

----- Original Message -----
From: "Cortland Richmond" <ka5s at earthlink.net>
To: <rfi at contesting.com>
Sent: Sunday, February 27, 2005 12:00 AM
Subject: [RFI] FCC fines station for exceeding RF field strength limits
(andother things)

> http://www.fcc.gov/eb/Orders/2005/FCC-04-297A1.html
> excerpt:
>   1.   In this Memorandum Opinion and Order (``Order''), we
>         deny a petition for reconsideration filed by A-O
>         Broadcasting Corporation (``A-O''), former licensee2 of
>         FM radio station KTMN, Cloudcroft, New Mexico, of our
>         Forfeiture Order issued December 29, 2003,3 in the
>         amount of twenty-five thousand dollars ($25,000) for
>         willful and repeated violation of Sections 1.1310,
>         11.35, 73.1125, and 73.1400 of the Commission's Rules
>         (``Rules'').4  The noted violations involve A-O's
>         failing to comply with radio frequency radiation
>         (``RFR'') maximum permissible exposure (``MPE'') limits
>         applicable to transmitters on towers, failing to have
>         Emergency Alert System (``EAS'') equipment installed and
>         operating, failing to maintain a main studio, and
>         failing to have adequate transmission system control.
> Cortland
> KA5S
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