[RFI] RE: RFI Digest, Vol 24, Issue 16

Shannon Boal Kingsautomotive1 at alltel.net
Sat Jan 1 08:12:07 EST 2005

How about a .01MFD across the line at the device? I am guessing the power
line is an antenna.
                   Shannon K4GLM
Message: 4
Date: Thu, 30 Dec 2004 21:50:25 -0800
From: "Kevin J. Rowett" <krowett at rowett.org>
Subject: [RFI] RFI to ceiling Fan control
To: <rfi at contesting.com>
Message-ID: <004601c4eefc$a09adf10$6c01a8c0 at N6RCELaptop>
Content-Type: text/plain;	charset="us-ascii"

I have a Hunter-Douglas ceiling fan with a remote control (350Mhz).  The fan
turns on when I use 75M at about 100 watts.

Anyone have a successful cure for this?

73, de -KR- N6RCE
n6rce at arrl.net

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