[RFI] RFI From Wireless Internet Radio

Dana Roode dana.roode at gmail.com
Fri Jul 8 09:56:55 EDT 2005

RFI Mailing List,

My thanks to everyone who has provided me input on this problem.  Most
everyone has pointed out that the 2.4ghz radio is likely not the
problem, but instead either the ethernet interface/cable or the power
supply is.

My station (where the wireless internet service is) is actually 80
miles away, and I've not had a chance to experiment with it recently. 
Also, the wireless radio and its antenna is up on a 32' pole away from
easy access.  There is a long ethernet cable going to it from the
location where I have my station, and it supplies power as well as the
network connection.  I know in the past when I disconnected the
ethernet cable the RFI stopped.  This means the problem is not with
the power supply located in the house, but since pulling the ethernet
cable turns the wireless radio off, it doesn't narrow the problem any

I will need to pull the radio down closer to where I can access it,
and will try some of your suggestions.  My thanks to all,


On 7/6/05, Dana Roode <dana.roode at gmail.com> wrote:
> RFI Folk,
> We have internet service provided through a 2.4ghz wireless radio -
> the unit at our house is a Aeronaut 250 from TenX Networks.  I
> recently discovered this device creates a broadband hash,  it is very
> noticable on 6 meters (where the internet and 6 meter antennas are
> very close) and also on 15 meters.  On 15 meters the noise from the
> wireless radio is loud when I point my beam at the house - the beam is
> 60' up on a tower about 150 feet away.
> Does anyone have any experience with RFI from a device like this one
> and have suggestions as to how I might eliminate it?
> Thanks,
>   Dana, K6NR

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