[RFI] 14028 to 14034 hashbirdietrash

Leigh L Klotz, Jr. Leigh at WA5ZNU.org
Wed Jul 27 19:46:49 EDT 2005

I am considering running fiber in my house for this reason.  Has anyone 
done this?
On Wed, 27 Jul 2005 4:03 pm, W2RU - Bud Hippisley wrote:
> Consider the possibility that what you are hearing is ethernet trash.
> If you have a PC network in your apartment or your neighbors' 
> apartments; OR
> If you or anyone near you has a Cable modem or DSL modem that is 
> connected
> to a single PC or a network of PCs through an ethernet cable --
> that's likely what you'll hear.  14.029 seems to be the strongest 
> carrier at
> my QTH, but there's multiple carriers and modulations evident here, 
> spread
> over a couple of megahertz.


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