[RFI] Blackberry interference with conference room audio systems

Jim Brown jim at audiosystemsgroup.com
Mon Mar 21 13:32:24 EST 2005

On Mon, 21 Mar 2005 10:26:42 -0600, EDWARDS, EDDIE J wrote:

>On the other hand Ron, I get the feeling your request for help is more
>of a commercial nature.  From your e-mail, it appears that you work for
>Boeing, a company of substantial size and financial assets.  The
>equipment mentioned isn't home equipment, but commercial in nature.
>Since some of the guys on this list do professional consulting or
>contract work in this field, I feel we'd be taking away a paycheck from
>them by changing the spirit of this list to include questions of this

I strongly agree Eddie. I have done considerable research in this area, all of 
it on my own nickel. That's part of my investment in my business. I've also 
published much of it, making available to hams. But eventually, someone needs 
to pay me (and others like me) for this work. Someone like Boeing. I've 
received five trolls like this for free advice in the past three weeks, ALL of 
them from businesses. I responded by saying that I would be happy to provide a 
proposal for consulting services. So far, none have been willing to belly up to 
the bar.

Tom Rauch has been taken advantage of when offering free advice, and has gotten 
quite close-mouthed as a result. I respect his position. 

If it's about business, let them hire one of us.   

Jim Brown  K9YC

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