[RFI] electric fence interference
dgsvetan at rockwellcollins.com
Wed Mar 30 14:35:24 EST 2005
Mike and Dave,
I'll add just one comment to those from Mike: you can also get a lot of
intermittent arcs and buzzes from tall grasses and weeds that contact the
fence wire, especially those that barely touch it. I had a terrible
problem with such an electric fence system about a year ago. I could
correlate the noise to local wind gusts, so I knew it had to be a system in
my neighborhood, but which one? (I live in a rural area, and there are
several electric fence systems within 1/2 mile of my place.) Luckily, the
problem must have been with the fence at the property up at the "street
corner", located about 1/4 mile away. The owner there put his place up for
sale, and when he did, he mowed all of the fence row grass and weeds.
Problem gone. When (not if) the noise returns, I'll have to get permission
from the new owner to "walk the fence line" and cut off any offending arc
73, Dale
<mike at rfiservices
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03/30/2005 10:06 Re: [RFI] electric fence
AM interference
Electric fences typically pop at regular intervals as the supply is timed
on and off. This is normal. On a scope it would appear as a single spike
per 120hz. If the cause is the fence wire touching something, even loosely
touching the post insulators, it will be represented by a pattern such as
llll llll. This is showing the pattern for a width of 60hz. This problem,
like power line sparking would be gone during rain. The rain would short
the sparking gap.
If I can assist pease call.
Mike Martin
RFI Services
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Tracy's Landing,MD 20779
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