[RFI] grounding your ham equipment

Doug Renwick ve5ra at sasktel.net
Mon Aug 7 10:47:36 EDT 2006

I had the same thought when I read Mike's story.  Where his
Papa's lightning rods properly connected to earth?

What's the advice?  Do properly, professionally installed
lightning rods on a house (all services underground) fully
or partially protect the building from a direct lightning


To: mike at rfiservices.com; rfi at contesting.com
Subject: Re: [RFI] grounding your ham equipment

Only if I could've had a look at the point everything was
grounded to and
the connections to each rod.  If it was poorly maintained
and full of
corrosion, yes, I would've learned the importance of
regularly checking and
maintaining ground connections.  A broken connection in just
the right place
could've caused an arc near some combustible mtl.  

 - de ed K0iL

-----Original Message-----
From: Mike at RFI Services

30 days later and 1 week before he was to move in, lightning
struck his
house/barn. The house, fully furnished with antiques burnt
to the ground.

Anybody learn anything?

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