[RFI] Ambient Noise Levels

Fred Stevens K2FRD k2frd at mac.com
Wed Aug 9 23:59:39 EDT 2006

At 9:58 PM -0500 9/8/06, Jim P wrote:
>I don't know that the heart of the question has truely been
>answered yet as I have questions as to what is actually
>and specifically being cited here as the 'source' here of
>the noise. I contend that the bulk of noise for S4 level
>noise is man-made from electical and electronic devices
>nearby (on the order of  3 or 4 residences in any given
>direction. I've had sources on 20 M half a block away on
>the same distribution circuit that had noticable impact
>on the PSK31 20 M subband.)

Not sure it's pertinent here, but I also have high white noise levels (S4 to S6, sometimes more, sometimes less) on 40m with a trap dipole (10, 15, 20, 40m) up 40' in the middle. And I'm located far away (18 miles) from any RFI noise sources (homes, communities, power lines, neighbors, kids with RC toys) in the middle of Coconino Natl Forest in northern AZ at 7100'. I'm also operating off battery power with solar panels for recharge with everything in my travel trailer turned off except my radios. I've chalked up the noise to general atmospheric QRN and Asian AM broadcast QRM, especially at night although there could be other explanations. I've about given up on 40m until Cycle 23 turns into Cycle 24.

73 de Fred Stevens K2FRD, VO2FS

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