[RFI] Non-RFI Battery Voltage Regulators

John Carobine - WB8RFB wb8rfb at yahoo.com
Fri Aug 11 16:15:05 EDT 2006


What rig(s), mode(s), and power level(s) are you
running in your RV?  I'm no expert at any of this, but
the run times you gave seem to be quite short from 4
marine deep cycle batteries if they are relatively new
and fully charged.  Are other appliances running in
off those batteries at the same time too?  

Knowing what power levels you run plus what else might
be powered on will help.  I'm sure others on this list
will have the answers you are looking for.



--- Fred Stevens K2FRD <k2frd at mac.com> wrote:

> Anyone in the group knowledgeable about or
> experienced with battery 
> voltage regulators (aka controllers, battery
> extenders, battery 
> boosters, DC to DC converters, etc) which will take
> power from a 
> nominal 12vdc battery source and regulate it such
> that it produces 
> 13.8vdc no matter how much the battery's charge is
> drained (say, 
> boosts as low as from 11.0vdc to 13.8vdc)? The key
> criteria is that 
> such a boost (as opposed to "buck") controller will
> NOT produce RFI. 
> There are a lot of buck/boost controllers on the
> market (are made for 
> solar chargers, computer or other electronic
> equipment, machinery, 
> automotive and RV appliances, stereo/TV devices),
> but they aren't 
> manufactured for ham radio utilization with RFI in
> mind. Feedback 
> I've gotten to date from other sources is that
> many/most are RF noisy 
> and I'm not about to drop $100 to $200 (and up, way
> up) experimenting 
> with unknowns.
> In the October 2005 QST, such a battery extender
> made by a Phoenix, 
> AZ ham was reviewed and the price was acceptable,
> but so many hams 
> wanted to buy one, the ham was swamped with orders,
> so he quit making 
> them. I have not heard of any other controllers
> which would work for 
> ham radio except, perhaps one made by Xantrex for
> its Trace line 
> which may or may not have had RFI problems.
> I'm a fulltime RVer, operate out of my travel
> trailer, have found 
> battery-only operation to be far RFI-quieter than
> any generator, 
> generator-inverter, power supply, or any combination
> thereof, but am 
> limited to my battery bank's (two to four marine
> batteries) charge 
> level and voltage which is usually an hour, two to
> three hours at 
> best at lower power.
> -- 
> 73 de Fred Stevens K2FRD, VO2FS
> http://homepage.mac.com/k2frd/K2FRD.html
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