[RFI] Computer cases and RFI

AA6DX - Mark aa6dx at arrl.net
Mon Jan 2 19:54:01 EST 2006

Subject: Re: [RFI] Computer cases and RFI

Having read that, I have YET to find an old ham radio program I cannot run
in XP .. bet there are some, but, I have been able to get any of my old
"stuff" to perform just swell in my XP machines .. worky worky .. Mark,

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Jim P" <jvpoll at dallas.net>
To: "Jim Brown" <jim at audiosystemsgroup.com>; "RFI List" <rfi at contesting.com>
Sent: Monday, January 02, 2006 4:39 PM
Subject: Re: [RFI] Computer cases and RFI
I have a 33 MHz 386 that has certain apps on it
that I can't migrate easily to a Pentium class
machine, and whenever I have to 'run' that machine
I am reminded how poor the inherent 'shielding' is
by the 'jamming' that machine does to CH 11 TV
and even an 800 MHz frequency that the local trunked
system uses. The layout and inter-chip wiring in those
days was gross, coupled with physically huge leaded
parts - compared to today's PCs with much improved
board layouts, BGA technlogy, judicious use of interlay
ground planes and apparently much more knowledgeable
use of multilayer boards which provide an environment
suitable for the stable, clean, non-glitched operation
of a 533 MHz front side bus.

Jim P   // WB5WPA  //

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