[RFI] Digital TV Box Generates 121.5MHz Signal

Alan Robinson robinsah at engr.orst.edu
Fri Jan 20 13:23:13 EST 2006

This happened here in Corvallis, OR; just as described below.  It was a TV 
set "broadcasting" on 121.5. The manufacturer replaced the set for free.

Alan, W4LKE

----- Original Message ----- 
From: <dgsvetan at rockwellcollins.com>
To: <kd4e at verizon.net>
Cc: <rfi at contesting.com>; <tvi-rfi-emi-request at mailman.qth.net>
Sent: Thursday, January 19, 2006 6:57 AM
Subject: Re: [RFI] Digital TV Box Generates 121.5MHz Signal

> Rare, yes.  Unheard of, no.  I seem to recall a similar incident here in
> the US a few years ago.  The culprit was a television set, and I think it
> was up in either OR or WA state.  The search was launched and the TV set
> owner, a college student as I remember, was real surprised when a whole 
> lot
> of people showed up at his door, unhappy.  I think the TV set manufacturer
> replaced his set for free.
> 73, Dale
>             kd4e
>             <kd4e at verizon.net
>             >                                                          To
>             Sent by:                  "Rfi at Contesting. Com"
>             rfi-bounces at conte         <rfi at contesting.com>,
>             sting.com                 tvi-rfi-emi-request at mailman.qth.net
>                                                                        cc
>             01/19/2006 09:39                                      Subject
>             AM                        [RFI] Digital TV Box Generates
>                                       121.5MHz Signal
>             Please respond to
>             kd4e at verizon.net
> It is comical that they are so surprised that
> these things generate RF!
> 73, kd4e
> -----------------------------------------------------------
> The RAF said a rogue signal from a digital television
> box which sparked a rescue mission was a "complete freak".
> RAF spokesman Michael Mulford said: "Our Kinloss rescue
> centre picked up this beacon from one of five orbiting
> satellites listening out for these things.
> "It was a 121.5 transmission - that's the major emergency
> frequency, a Mayday. We traced it to Portsmouth Harbour,
> checked and found out there were no vessels in the area
> or missing planes.
> "We checked with Ofcom and they quickly established it
> was coming from a household. It turned out to be a
> faulty Freeview box. This is very very unusual, it's
> a complete freak and the odds of a digibox sending
> out a 121.5 signal must be astronomical."
> http://news.scotsman.com/latest.cfm?id=69662006
> -----------------------------------------------------------
> --
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Thanks! & 73, doc kd4e
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> ============\ #   http://bibleseven.com/kd4e.html
>      KD4E     =====================================
> West Central Florida
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
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