[RFI] RFI Canceling RFI?

doc kd4e at verizon.net
Thu Mar 9 19:53:32 EST 2006

 > Funny thing happened on the way to the bathroom.
 > I turned on a second compact fluourescent light while
 > listening to my shortwave radio, the first caused RFI,
 > the second CANCELLED it!!
 > But the first only caused RFI in the same room as the
 > radio, the one in the other room had no effect on the
 > radio by itself.
 > Joe

This post (above) is from another list but I needed
the expert analysis of the RFI list!

 From his description of events I get the latter but
not the former.

That the source of RFI further away did not cause
interference is merely a matter of propagation.

But in the first situation is it possible that one
source of RFI could cancel the other?

Thanks! & 73, doc kd4e

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============\ #   http://bibleseven.com
      KD4E     =====================================
West Central Florida


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