[RFI] Fan Noise on Repeater

rrath at charter.net rrath at charter.net
Tue May 9 08:31:29 EDT 2006

1.2 meter repeater
2.Motorola GR300 Repeater and GM 300 radios
3.12volt DC
5.the same 12v line the radios do - batteries charged by solar/wind 
6.mounted on the back of housing
7.I do not know
8.I bypassed the power supply
9.I do not know

Need to get to work. Will answer more after work.
Thank you.



A few questions for you to help better understand the problem:
1) On what band does the repeater operate?
2) What make and model are the repeater radios?
3) What is the operating voltage of the fan?
4) How is the fan controlled (e.g., thermostat, continuous, proportional,
5) From where does the fan obtain its operating voltage?
6) Where on the repeater is the fan mounted and how?
7) Is there noise from the fan on the repeater receiver (with a weak signal
applied) when the repeater transmitter is off?
8) Explain how the repeater was connected to operate from 120 VAC at one
location and battery at another.
9) What is the make and model of the fan?
10) Describe the antenna height and distance from the fan for both sites
11) Describe any other differences in setup between the two sites such as
transmission lines, etc.
12) For what purpose is the fan used?

Stu Benner

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