[RFI] 40M TVI problem

Tom Rauch w8ji at contesting.com
Mon Nov 13 22:04:37 EST 2006

 From: "SERGE BERTUZZO" <smbertuzzo at rogers.com>
> To: <rfi at contesting.com>
> Sent: Monday, November 13, 2006 12:12 PM

> I subscribe to a satelliet TV service. I notice 
> interference on 40M when I
> operate with >40 watts. I have no interference on any of 
> the other bands
> including 80M. On 40 M, I have used chokes on all 
> input/outputs to the
> receiver as well as on the main cable feed from the 
> satellite dish. I found
> that by putting (2 chokes - one near the receiver and one 
> right at the cable
> outlet to the room) That I was able to eliminate most of 
> the interference.
> My problem is that I seem to be unable to remove the last 
> remaind bit of
> herring bone TVI when I operate on 40 Meters. I also have 
> a choke on the
> output from the satellite receiver to the television set. 
> If I reduce power
> to 20-25 watts I am able to eliminate the last bit of 
> herring bone
> interference.


I have corrected many dozens of TV systems near high power 
transmitters. One of them was within a few hundred feet of a 
large AM broadcast station. You could get burns and draw 
sparks from the coaxial cables feeding the TV sets.

The single most effective thing that reduced interference 
was connecting the cable shield to the power line safety 
ground at the outlet feeding the TV sets. That single thing 
was more effective than any other combination of things. My 
own system in my house has that same method. Not a common 
mode choke on anything.

At every TV system in my house, I have a outlet strip 
designed to prevent lightning damage. Those boxes ground the 
center safety pin of the power line to the cable connectors 
on the box. In addition, I have added two .01 250VAC (1.4kV 
dc) UL/CSA rated line bypass capacitors inside the box. One 
from the outlet neutral to safety ground, the other 
capacitor across the line.

I don't have RFI, I don't have lighting damage.

73 Tom 

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