[RFI] Haolgens AND . . .

Martin AA6E aa6e at ewing.homedns.org
Sat Nov 18 22:38:51 EST 2006

WarrenWolff at aol.com wrote:
> I have posted elsewhere, but this is probably the best place  to check this 
> out.
> I am told that low halogens are BIG generators of  noise.
> Is that really true?
> On the same note, what about light dimmer  switches?
> We are building a new house, and I need to establish some  intelligent 
> positions with my builder right away.
> Regards,  Warren;  W7WY

Halogen lights themselves are no problem.  But the cheap dimming power 
supplies are reported to be big trouble.

Dimmer switches vary.  I have had good luck with modern ones, but older
ones can be terrible.  I think some are rated for RFI filtering.  As 
usual, you probably don't want the cheapest.  It might be good to test 
them yourself before installing.

See http://www.epanorama.net/documents/lights/lightdimmer.html#rfi and
http://www.lutron.com/applicationnotes/360484.pdf (see "lamp debuzzing

73 Martin AA6E

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