[RFI] RFI all over the band

Ramakrishnan Muthukrishnan vu3rdd at gmail.com
Mon Oct 2 13:57:02 EDT 2006

Hi Dave,

On 10/2/06, Dave NØRQ <n0rq-lists at sbcglobal.net> wrote:
> A handheld AM broadcast band radio can be a useful tool, but
> a VHF and/or UHF radio in mode AM with a handheld Yagi
> is invaluable in finding offending power line hardware.

I do not have a HT with AM mode, perhaps I will try to borrow one. But
again I do not have a yagi too. May be this is the time to build those

> I feel for you, Ramakrishnan.  I have the same problem.
> It has annoyed me so much that it is finally in the hands of
> the FCC...  and I created a web site that I hope would
> be helpful to anyone with this problem.  See
> http://www.powerlinenoise.com

Thanks. Nice webpage. I am downloading some of those videos now.

I will also try to make some audio recordings available.

  Ramakrishnan - VU3RDD

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