[RFI] SOLUTION - Keyboard Susceptibility (Sort of)

Phil Duff & Ann Duff na4m at arrl.net
Sat Aug 11 22:39:36 EDT 2007

Another solution - a "real" keyboard - the old IBM Model "M" keyboards 
are still available:


I just replaced the cable on mine this week after purchasing the 
keyboard as new surplus back in the mid 1980's. 

Built like a battleship and still working fine and is/has been RFI free 
in a 1.5kw environment.  YMMV!

73 Phil NA4M

Michael Tope wrote:
> I found a solution (or at least a clue to the solution) for my 
> keyboard RFI problem. In my shop I found an old AT style 
> keyboard laying in the corner (complete with the large AT 
> style DIN connector). I figured since it was free, I'd give it 
> a try. Well, as it turns out, it wasn't really free since I had to
> go to ratshack and spend $12 on an AT to PS2 plug adapter.

-. .- ....- --   -. .- ....- -- -. .- ....- --
Phil Duff NA4M & Ann Duff
Georgetown, Texas

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