[RFI] Filter

Richard Reese wa8dbw at neo.rr.com
Mon Dec 3 19:32:16 EST 2007

----- Original Message ----- 
From: <rfi-request at contesting.com>
To: <rfi at contesting.com>
Sent: Wednesday, November 21, 2007 4:16 PM
Subject: RFI Digest, Vol 59, Issue 17

> Hi Tim: Could you provide some info about the filter, such as power
> ratings and how you connected it - next to the computer, at the wall
> plug, grounding, etc?  I have serious problems listening in my travel
> trailer when at a RV park.  Sometimes, most of the noise comes
> through the AC power line. I managed to get a commercial line filter
> that probably costs hundreds of dollars new, made adapters and
> connected it next to the RV park power outlet, but little or no
> help.  I tried grounding the case to the power enclosure, but didn't
> see much difference. Possibly the filter was defective, but more
> likely it was the setup.  I resolved the problem by running the
> trailer on internal battery power, but like turning off your computer
> not the best approach.
> Jim

Jim and all;

I had the same problem with my motor home.  Very objectionable on 75 meters
and progressively quieter on 40, 20 etc.  I found it was the "converter" /
battery charger.  It is a switching supply.  I put ferrite chokes on all of
the input and output leads. This helped immensely.

By the way mine is a Inteli-Power RV Switcher/Converter.

Dick Reese

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