[RFI] 40 meter RFI

Gary Smith Gary at doctorgary.net
Wed Dec 5 01:50:26 EST 2007

I have relocated to a qth where there is a deaf person with a TTY. In 
order to allow them to know when a telephone call is coming in for 
them on their TTY or when someone is ringing the doorbell a device 
was made to signal in various rooms by flashing a light.

There is a transmitter and plug in receivers which are no longer 
available I understand.

The transmitter is  called a Powerflash interface Pro and the 
transmitter is PSC01 X10 

The receivers are Radio Shack Plug n Power appliance modules. They 
plug into any wall socket and the device to be triggered plugs into 
them.  An older design, they have 2 wire plugs, not a three conductor 

When the transmitter is excited the signal is passed through the 
house wiring and the receiver triggers the light.

Full output with my amp on 80 will trigger the lights as will 300 
watts on 7.010 MHz and at 7.3 MHz it takes 400 watts to trigger the 
lights & No other bands are affected. All the lights trigger at the 
same time throughout the house which makes me suspect it is the 
transmitter which is stimulated as opposed to the receivers but this 
is of course just a guess.

I tried wrapping the wires with ferrites with no change. Since the 
devices plug into the wall socket, I wound an extension cord around a 
ferrite rod and used this in-between the socket & transmitter with no 
change in effect. I used this choke in-between the socket & receiver 
with no benefit.

Any idea what else I could try, the devices use the wiring to 
communicate with themselves.



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