[RFI] 40 meter RFI

Gary Smith Gary at doctorgary.net
Thu Dec 6 14:44:40 EST 2007

Thanks for the reply Dave. I'll remove the wires leading to it & see 
what happens. I'll get back to you on this and thanks for the 
suggestion! I appreciate the help.


> > All the lights trigger at the
> > same time throughout the house which makes me suspect it 
> > is the
> > transmitter which is stimulated as opposed to the 
> > receivers but this
> > is of course just a guess.
> That's more than a guess. It sounds like hard evidence to 
> me. Try disconnecting the button wires from the transmitter 
> to see if it still triggers with RF. If it still triggers, 
> the rf is coming on the ac line. If it doesn't trigger, the 
> button wires are the culprit. The button wires would be my 
> guess. If it is the button wires, insert an effective toroid 
> choke in the button wires near the unit, and add a .15 
> microfarad ceramic capacitor with short leads across the 
> button wire terminals on the transmitter unit.
> Dave Hachadorian, K6LL
> Yuma, AZ 
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