[RFI] Long distance grounding

N6KI Dennis Vernacchia n6ki_73 at sbcglobal.net
Mon Jun 11 21:12:38 EDT 2007


	Something that has worked for me and a few other hams in the past is to 
take a length of old RG-8/RG-213 NON FOAM type
coax and hook the center conductor on one end to ground rod and
center conductor other end to rig area common ground point
then take a .001 uF Ceramic Disk Cap and connect from
center conductor to ground at each end ( 2 caps needed )
( Foam coax would probably work but I generally avoid using
it unless I need low loss in a system - it has a bad habit
of wicking up moisture if not sealed properly or gravitaing the
center conductor towards the shield in a tight bend !)

For teh Capacitors, I recommend 1 kV rating for up to 200 Watts
station and 5 kV for 1.5 kW station in case any wayward RF
finds it's way onto shield of that coax you don't toast the cap.

I read about this solution many years ago in a ham magazine and not sure
exactly how/why it works but it has worked for several hams
that had long ground runs. ( Over 1/4 wavelength at highest freq used )

Maybe some one on the reflector will let us know why it works
most times.

73, Dennis N6KI

Dave Cook wrote:
> Hi folks, I'm revamping my shack and and wondering how to ground a set of
> radios that is on the opposite wall from where my RF ground is located. The
> primary location is occupied by one set of radios and the only other place
> for the other set is on the opposite wall which is 14 feet across the room.
> Given this distance, routing the ground wire would probably result in at
> least 20 feet before it reaches the main ground bus. This is located at an
> interior wall, so there's no other way to run a shorter ground outside of
> the house except straight down through an inaccessible portion of the
> crawlspace.
> I'm wondering if the long ground line would be feasible, or would it simply
> become part of the antenna system? If the latter, what other alternatives
> might I have?
> Thanks and 73, Dave, WA0TTN
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