[RFI] Long distance grounding

Dave Cook davepc2 at netdave.com
Thu Jun 14 18:50:37 EDT 2007

Thanks for all the responses to this question. It sounds like I need to just
make sure my electrical ground is as good as possible. The reason I was
asking the question is that I have one computer that is very suceptible to
RFI from the radio on the other side of the room, even when my SWR is low.
I'll try improving the electrical ground on the radio and will also work on
the computer wiring as well.

73, Dave, WA0TTN

> -----Original Message-----
> From: rfi-bounces at contesting.com [mailto:rfi-bounces at contesting.com]On
> Behalf Of Dave Cook
> Sent: Monday, June 11, 2007 5:54 PM
> To: rfi at contesting.com
> Subject: [RFI] Long distance grounding
> Hi folks, I'm revamping my shack and and wondering how to
> ground a set of
> radios that is on the opposite wall from where my RF ground
> is located. The
> primary location is occupied by one set of radios and the
> only other place
> for the other set is on the opposite wall which is 14 feet
> across the room.
> Given this distance, routing the ground wire would probably
> result in at
> least 20 feet before it reaches the main ground bus. This is
> located at an
> interior wall, so there's no other way to run a shorter
> ground outside of
> the house except straight down through an inaccessible portion of the
> crawlspace.
> I'm wondering if the long ground line would be feasible, or
> would it simply
> become part of the antenna system? If the latter, what other
> alternatives
> might I have?
> Thanks and 73, Dave, WA0TTN
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