CatWhiskR at aol.com CatWhiskR at aol.com
Thu Jun 21 15:07:40 EDT 2007


Thanks for all the suggestions. To answer some questions: The TV is being fed 
straight from a splitter direct into the set. I have bypassed the splitter to 
no avail. No extra stuff to cause problems. The splitter has been replaced. 
>From the splitter one lead goes to the effected TV and the other lead goes to 
the other TV (Panasonic, no problems), downstairs and as far away from the 
antenna as it can get, and to the cable network for the computers. No interference 
on any of that stuff.

I have tried several different types of high pass filters on the TV plus 
several AC line types besides the toroids. I have plugged the TV into a different 
outlet fed from a different circuit. I have done a lot of TVI fixes over the 
years but this one seems to be impossible without getting into the TV itself to 
do experiments. I am not really interested in doing that. Been there, done 
that in the past.

I think what points to the deficiency of the TV set itself is when I move the 
cable or power cord around, I can drastically change the TVI problem. This is 
even with my body shielding it or putting the cable cord next to the power 
cord. It gets better not worse. But it is a combination of body capacitance and 
cord placement. I cannot move away and have it stay good. And no, it does not 
change the problem by rotating the TV 90 degrees to the antenna. I will try to 
move the set to the other side of the room and see if that helps. 
Unfortunately, that is not a good viewing area.

Maybe I just need to buy permanent press clothes and get rid of the iron.


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