[RFI] Very nasty noise

Joe Stepansky kq3f at comcast.net
Sun Mar 18 17:01:52 EST 2007

Just yesterday (March 17) a new and very nasty noise appeared on my 
radio.  It covers all bands from AM broadcast to 10 meters (and maybe 
beyond).  S9+40 in the AM setting, wiping out any hope of hearing anything, 
anywhere.  The interesting thing is that it's pretty steady on the HF bands 
no matter where I turn my beam EXCEPT heading 255, which has a pronounced 
null.  I'm trying to determine the significance of that.

I made a 30 second recording.  Where can I upload this thing to see if 
anybody recognizes it as anything?  The noise has not been 24/7.  Earlier 
this afternoon I'd hear, on 20 meter CW (though it would occur everywhere), 
what sounded like a pop.  The scope on my 756PROII would then show a single 
spike.  I'd then hear what sounds like weak crackling, followed by another 
spike (sounds like a pop) in a different location on the scope.  Cracking 
would stop.  Within a second the weak crackling would start again, another 
spike, cracking stops.

I drove around and heard the same noise on the road near my house (100 
yards away), but couldn't pinpoint it.  I haven't shut off the breakers in 
the house yet, though I realize that's something I should do.

Anyway, I forgot the location to upload the wav file, so I'd appreciate 
info on that.  Thanks!

73, Joe KQ3F

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