[RFI] [TowerTalk] 115 KV Lines

Tom Rauch w8ji at contesting.com
Wed May 23 13:41:07 EDT 2007

I have a good friend who swears the new HV transmission 
lines near his house don't affect him.

The same receiver at my house that reads S-0 on an 80 meter 
dipole in the daytime reads S-7 at his house. I can watch 
the S meter on my mobile rig slowly climb as I get near 
those lines, but he still swears they aren't a problem. The 
noise they emit is almost a white noise. It's only when damp 
or very humid they make what sounds like a buzz.

I've lived several places near big lines. Starting in the 
mid-60's a new 69kV line on wood poles went in about 500 
feet from my house and it was a problem from day one. Then I 
moved to another location and a 69kV line on steel towers 
about a 1/4 mile away was a problem. In South Amherst I 
fought a 345kV line about a mile away. It raised my noise 
floor several dB when I listened west.

I haven't had a case yet where they weren't some problem to 
me, so I just stay away from them.

Of course there are even Hams who swear BPL doesn't cause 
QRM.  I should be so lucky. :-)

There never is one answer to a subjective topic, like how 
bad is something. "Bad" depends on the viewpoint. I look at 
it from a low band DX and Contest viewpoint, not ragchewing 
with 30 over 9 buddies on SSB

73 Tom

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