[RFI] RFI from Astron power supply

rrath at charter.net rrath at charter.net
Fri May 25 00:30:01 EDT 2007

Hello to the list. I have a 35 amp Astron power supply that is giving of RFI. 
This p.s. has had less than 20 hrs use. I am charge of the Ham radios for 
our EOC, where we use this p.s. I just had the local power company RFI guy 
come and we located 9 power poles that are giving off RFI as well as the 
p.s. They will take care of the poles, I need to take care of the p.s. 

Any help on what to do to get ride of the RFI from the 35 amp power supply? 
The p.s. is giving off about an s-5 to s-7 RFI.

Thank you for any help you can give.

W7SCC Trustee

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