[RFI] Single or Dual-Connector Posts on Battery?

kd4e doc at kd4e.com
Wed Nov 21 15:58:28 EST 2007

Is there any reason to avoid dual-connector pairs
for Amateur Radio apps?

I recall reading somewhere that there may be a
problem tapping both for various uses in Ham apps.
It seems that they are part of a continuous hunk
of lead so am not sure why a problem.

This is the one I am looking at:

OPTIMA D31M, 12V, 75AH, 900CCA, 1125CA, 155RM

(RM = Reserve Minutes = number of minutes battery will
maintain 25 amps output before dropping to 10.5 volts.)


Thanks! & 73, doc, KD4E
Personal: http://bibleseven.com/kd4e.html

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