[RFI] Testing & Comparing Compact Fluorescents?

Eric Rosenberg wd3q at starpower.net
Mon Oct 8 01:22:42 EDT 2007

While at Home depot this morning, I wonderd how many CCLs they had and 
how the prices have gone down.

HD carries  the n:vision brand (www.nvisionusa.com) and some others.  
They used to carry Philips.

Question: has anyone done RFI field testing of CFLs?  th e 60w 
equivalent seems to be quiet. 
The  n:vision  75 watt equivalent was *very* noisy to my ear (never 
turned on a radio) when I turned it on.

If you have or can get information on CFLs in the RFI context would be 
greatly appreciated.

Eric Rosenberg
w3dq at arrl.net

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