[RFI] 120Hz period noise ID

Pete Smith n4zr at contesting.com
Wed Oct 31 06:07:17 EST 2007

At 02:18 AM 10/31/2007, Jim Brown wrote:

>BTW -- I see you're in Palo Alto. HSC (Halted) has a great collection
>of power line filters at very low prices. The practical problem with
>all of this is that most electrical backboxes don't have room to mount
>them effectively (nor to house a transformer big enough to run the

Jim, which of the filters that HSC carries would you recommend as "a REALLY 
GOOD RF filter"?

BTW, perhaps I'm just lucky, but when we put Kichler Xenon lights in our 
kitchen remodeling I was worried about noise from the switching power 
supplies.  In 2 years we have had two power supples fail (immediately 
replaced by Kichler at no charge, so they must know there's a durability 
problem), but no discernable noise at all.  Perhaps it helps that my 
antennas are 200 feet from the house, or maybe it is something in the 
design of these power units.

73, Pete N4ZR

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