[RFI] [Amps] So-Called Utility "Smart Meters"

Jim Brown jim at audiosystemsgroup.com
Tue Aug 12 13:03:53 EDT 2008

On Tue, 12 Aug 2008 12:01:16 -0400, EP Swynar wrote:

>Any sage words from the ranks of the knowledgeable...? 

I suggest that you do what I have done for at least 15 years for 
both my power and heating fuel -- generate a spreadsheet with the 
information that comes on your monthly bill and study the trends. 
You want to keep track of the kWh (kilowatt-hours) of power that you 
use per month, and then do the math in the spreadsheet to break that 
down to kWh per day. Pull out your old bills and enter that 
information. Plot it in one or more graphs. Now, if anything 
changes, you'll know. 

BTW -- I've also done this for the last ten years or so with the 
cars I drive. By learning to carefully drive in a manner that uses 
less gas, I've improved my mileage by nearly 20%. Which goes toward 
paying for that new K3. :) 


Jim K9YC

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