[RFI] Resolution of RFI into the receiver

Gary Smith Gary at doctorgary.net
Thu Dec 11 23:55:48 EST 2008

I will shorten this to make it helpful & not an opus;

I have been using a K9AY antenna and discovered my amplifier was 
acting strangely. I received reports my signals were seen on multiple 
frequencies at the same time and there were poor characteristics to 
both CW and SSB.

The problem was only when using the remote antenna, unplugging the 
remote antenna resolved the issue. I was using an ICE 196 front end 
protector which limits the signal to the radio and there was a preamp 
to amplify the weak signals from the small loop K9AY.

The solution is to place the preamp before the ICE 196 and allow the 
preamp to experience the RF signals and after the amplification, the 
ICE 196 reduces the amplified signals to acceptable levels with no 
excessive RFI whatsoever. If done the other way around, the ICE 
limits the overloaded signal but there is created a residue of 
spurious signals whgich is then amplified by the pre-amp.

The fix:

Pre-Amp first & limiter 2nd = a clean signal to the radio that is not 
an overload & dirty signal situation..

100% of my problems have been resolved by this change in order.

May this help another someday as this list has helped me in the past.



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