[RFI] ATT Uverse RFI problem

Jim Brown jim at audiosystemsgroup.com
Mon Dec 15 20:05:11 EST 2008

On Mon, 15 Dec 2008 18:31:50 -0500, Roger W. Macdonald wrote:

>The attached photos show

Many mailing lists, including this one, don't allow attachments. 
That's good, because it limits the nasty games than be played. I'd 
like to see your photos. Maybe you can post them somewhere with a 
link in an email. 

Re: your chokes and 160. As noted in my tutorial, a choke is 
essentially a low Q (high loss) parallel resonant circuit. A 
single turn of #43 resonates up around 200 MHz and is only a few 
tens of ohms. As we add turns, the resonance moves down in 
frequency and the impedance rises approximately as the square of 
the turns. 

You probably used enough turns to get the resonance down around 5 
MHz, and it's a broad resonance, so it worked down to 80. More 
turns would get you down to 160. A better solution is to use #31, 
which has an even lower Q resonance. 10-12 turns of that would 
probably solve your problem from 160-40, and maybe up to 20. If 
you still had problems on the higher HF bands, a second choke 
could be added in series. 

Sounds like you did some smart troubleshooting, the key points of 
which were looking for the wires that might be good antennas at 
the frequencies where you were having problems and using what you 
had available to kill the current on them. Thanks for sharing your 


Jim Brown K9YC 

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