[RFI] Nasty RFI wiping out higher bands

Paul Christensen w9ac at arrl.net
Tue Dec 16 08:28:12 EST 2008

> We should all be writing our Directors asking for attention and action on 
> this issue.

Sec. 15.103(d) reads as follows:

"(d) A digital device utilized exclusively in an appliance, e.g.,
   microwave oven, dishwasher, clothes dryer, air conditioner (central or
   window), etc."

What exactly is "etc.?"   We cannot continue to allow the drafting of these 
absurdly-constructed rules that allow anyone to fill in the blanks with any 
device they deem to be an "appliance" when such terms as "etc." are written 
into the rules.

> In the meantime, it would be very interesting to know whether a good 
> filter (common plus differential mode) on the line cord..."

Not on my GE Harmony washer.  I tried an outboard ICE RFI filter on the line 
cord and it had zero impact on RFI.    There's a lot more going on inside a 
direct-drive washer that precludes total RFI abatement.  Large inductive 
loops are used on the circumference of the washer's basin and these are a 
source of direct RFI radiation.  And even if RFI could be reasonably 
mitigated, who wants to assume the risk of voiding their standard or 
extended warranties by modifying the appliance?

I confronted GE's two design engineers on this matter.  They didn't beat 
around the bush:  They emphatically stated they had no doubt the washer was 
emitting RFI, built that their product was Part-15-exempt and as a 
manufacturer, they are under no further duty to mitigate the RFI.

In my opinion, Sec. 15.103(d) should be completely removed from the Rules.

Paul, W9AC

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