[RFI] Nasty RFI wiping out higher bands

Kelly Johnson n6kj.kelly at gmail.com
Tue Dec 16 19:15:03 EST 2008

Yeah, unfortunately, that method of RFI prevention doesn't work when
your neighbor buys the same piece of junk!

Yes, I specifically avoided Whirlpool and Kenmore due to the RFI
reports.  I went with LG figuring it would be better to buy a
washer/dryer from an experienced CONSUMER ELECTRONICS company rather
than an old fashioned washer/dryer company.  I guess I won my bet.

Fortunately (or unfortunately) for me, most of my RFI comes from a bad
PG&E power pole 2 doors down and from Ethernet.  Ethernet affects
14.030MHz and several other discreet frequencies up the band.  I can
avoid that 1Khz of affected spectrum most of the time.  The PG&E power
pole is another story.  PG&E has been trying (if you call what they do
trying) to fix it for 1.5 years.  A 12ga. shotgun blast would probably
fix it quickly, but I'm not likely to get away with that :-)

On Tue, Dec 16, 2008 at 2:15 PM, pfizenmayer <pfizenmayer at qwest.net> wrote:
> Its not just front loaders - we have a Sears Kenmore "Oasis He" top loader
> that wipes out every 16 khz from 160 thru 10 meters depending on the cycle
> its in.  Probably same lousy ewlectronics . Good to hear about the LG - XYL
> wants a front loader when this one craps out. For now she just does not run
> it when I am in a contest - thats pretty effective !
> 73 de Hank K7HP
> ----- Original Message ----- From: "Kelly Johnson" <n6kj.kelly at gmail.com>
> To: "Hardy Landskov" <n7rt at cox.net>
> Cc: <rfi at contesting.com>
> Sent: Tuesday, December 16, 2008 3:06 PM
> Subject: Re: [RFI] Nasty RFI wiping out higher bands
>> I've mentioned this numerous times, but...
>> My LG HE washer/dryer pair is whisper quiet.  Don't assume that all
>> front load HE washers generate RFI.
>> The key for me is to buy ONLY from brick-and-mortar stores that have a
>> 30 day return policy.  I bought mine at Best Buy and told my wife that
>> it was going back to the store if it generated RFI.  Both my wife and
>> I were happy to find that it was quiet: quieter than my 14 year old
>> CRT television.
>> I'd love to buy a flatscreen television from a low-cost online
>> retailer, but none of them allow returns so I'm stuck with paying a
>> bit more for a brick-and-mortar store.  You get what you pay for.
>> On Tue, Dec 16, 2008 at 12:21 PM, Hardy Landskov <n7rt at cox.net> wrote:
>>> Roger,
>>> Ok so where do we buy appliances now that are RFI free? Seems like
>>> everything is going digital with a microprocessor and a switching power
>>> supply.
>>> Hardy N7RT
>>> ----- Original Message -----
>>> From: "Roger (K8RI)" <k8ri at rogerhalstead.com>
>>> To: "Paul Christensen" <w9ac at arrl.net>
>>> Cc: <rfi at contesting.com>
>>> Sent: Tuesday, December 16, 2008 7:21 AM
>>> Subject: Re: [RFI] Nasty RFI wiping out higher bands
>>>> Paul Christensen wrote:
>>>>>> We should all be writing our Directors asking for attention and action
>>>>>> on
>>>>>> this issue.
>>>> Seems to me we should be writing the manufacturers of the devices.
>>>>> Sec. 15.103(d) reads as follows:
>>>>> "(d) A digital device utilized exclusively in an appliance, e.g.,
>>>>>   microwave oven, dishwasher, clothes dryer, air conditioner (central
>>>>> or
>>>>>   window), etc."
>>>>> What exactly is "etc.?"   We cannot continue to allow the drafting of
>>>>> these
>>>>> absurdly-constructed rules that allow anyone to fill in the blanks with
>>>>> any
>>>>> device they deem to be an "appliance" when such terms as "etc." are
>>>>> written
>>>>> into the rules.
>>>> Looks plain to me.  If you have a digital device used in *anything*
>>>>>> In the meantime, it would be very interesting to know whether a good
>>>>>> filter (common plus differential mode) on the line cord..."
>>>>> Not on my GE Harmony washer.  I tried an outboard ICE RFI filter on the
>>>>> line
>>>>> cord and it had zero impact on RFI.    There's a lot more going on
>>>>> inside
>>>>> a
>>>>> direct-drive washer that precludes total RFI abatement.  Large
>>>>> inductive
>>>>> loops are used on the circumference of the washer's basin and these are
>>>>> a
>>>>> source of direct RFI radiation.  And even if RFI could be reasonably
>>>>> mitigated, who wants to assume the risk of voiding their standard or
>>>>> extended warranties by modifying the appliance?
>>>>> I confronted GE's two design engineers on this matter.  They didn't
>>>>> beat
>>>>> around the bush:  They emphatically stated they had no doubt the washer
>>>>> was
>>>>> emitting RFI, built that their product was Part-15-exempt and as a
>>>>> manufacturer, they are under no further duty to mitigate the RFI.
>>>> No device like this is exempt. They either don't know, or are blowing
>>>> smoke, particularly when even electric fences, and door bells are
>>>> covered.
>>>>> In my opinion, Sec. 15.103(d) should be completely removed from the
>>>>> Rules.
>>>>> Paul, W9AC
>>>> I'd go back to the dealer which is the first thing I'd have tried even
>>>> before trying to remedy the problem with the washer and dryer, but
>>>> forewarned is now forearmed.  I wouldn't purchase any appliance without
>>>> the understanding that if it caused interference they'd be getting it
>>>> back.  Most any reputable dealer including the big box stores will do
>>>> this.
>>>> 73
>>>> Roger (K8RI)
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