[RFI] Nasty RFI wiping out higher bands

kd4e doc at kd4e.com
Tue Dec 16 19:46:20 EST 2008

You have to be kidding.  Everything will be for sale in the new 
administration.  Forget about even the pretense of technology as the 
reason for any decision.  This FCC has been brilliant on some matters, 
dense on others, and inconsistent on the rest.  Remember that they don't 
get to write the laws, only describe how they are applied ... and the 
micromanagement from the Congress has been endless.  If you need to 
point fingers start with your Congress-critter.  :-)
> The thing to do is wait until after the first of the year and refile your  
> complaint with the Commission after the 
> new Commissioner's come on Board and direct your complaint to the new  
> Commissioner after we get rid of the moron's that have done nothing but cater to  
> the whims of big business. As was just brought out in the recent Senate  
> hearings, about their misinterpretations about BPL and how they ignored their  own 
> rules and prior recommendations.
> 73,
> Ken Davis - KB2kFV


Thanks! & 73, doc, KD4E
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============\ # KD4E
Have an http://ultrafidian.com day!

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