[RFI] Car Advice

Eric - VE3GSI ve3gsi at sympatico.ca
Wed Dec 31 10:45:19 EST 2008

Hi Jim,
Here is a link to Ford's own EMC website:


I think it is more of a guideline for testing then an the answer you are
looking for, but it might be a start! There are also a number of related
links on the site that might be of help.

de Eric - Ve3gsi

> -----Original Message-----
> From: rfi-bounces at contesting.
> Subject: [RFI] Car Advice
> My 1996 Ford Windstar mobile contest machine finally died a while
> back, so
> I'm in the market for another minivan to take it's place.  My  budget
> puts
> things in the range of something used from the 2001-2006  era.
> Any experience or recommendations of something to get or something to
> avoid?
> 73  -  Jim  K8MR

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