[RFI] RFI from a neighbor

Gary Smith Gary at doctorgary.net
Thu Feb 7 17:48:36 EST 2008

There's a neighbor that has something active which generates RFI in 
the car radio whenever I drive past their house. It's enough to be 
louder than 880 AM out of New York City which is a really strong 
station at the end of Long Island Sound. On my car radio it ranges 
100 feet either side of their house (Not sure which house it is as 
there are several on both sides of the street that it could be).

I've noticed the exact same sound when driving by a particular house 
in a heavily wooded area so it would only be coming from that house.

This sound is pulsed about 4 times a second & digital in character.

My complaint is it's easily heard at the low end of 160 meters and 
bothers my reception from 500-600 feet away.

Is there a series of RFI sounds on a web page that I seem to recall 
being made available so as to ID common sources of rfi? I don't know 
any of the people in the houses this RFI is coming from but if it's 
something I can pinpoint I at least have a place to start.



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