[RFI] Rfi from a neighbor.

RFI Services Mike at rfiservices.com
Sat Feb 9 08:52:18 EST 2008

Most electric fence power supplies still tick even if not connected to the
fence. The timing circuit in the power supply causes the ticking. As stated
by Lee, if the fence is shorted to something that additional ticking or
arcing is much more bothersome to radio and TV. 

Michael C Martin
RFI Services
6469 Old Solomons Island RD
Tracys Landing, MD 20779
mike at rfiservices.com

-----Original Message-----
From: rfi-bounces at contesting.com [mailto:rfi-bounces at contesting.com] On
Behalf Of Lee K7TJR
Sent: Friday, February 08, 2008 10:36 AM
To: Rfi at contesting.com
Subject: [RFI] Rfi from a neighbor.

     Having sold electric fences for a living, I can tell you that the
recorded ticking on the ARRL site is not from an underground dog fence. The
underground dog fence wires use a continuous RF transmitter loop and a
receiver on a dog collar. It only shocks the dog when he goes across the
underground wire. That ticking in the ARRL mp3 is from an above ground
electric fence. Two important things. There will generally be no noise from
an electric  fence unless there is an arc somewhere. Most often due to bad
connections somewhere, or the high voltage wire is touching something that
is grounded. Most people using these things have very little understanding
of electricity and how it flows. I have seen installations where people just
staple the wire to a wooden fence and then wonder why it did not work when
it rained. These things operate at Kilovolts and up. Second important thing
is that some cities or municipalities actually have ordinances against
electric fences being used w
 ithin their boundaries. It might be worth checking with local authorities.
This could be used as a last resort. Some people here in the Pacific NW
actually have electric fences around their backyard fish ponds to keep the
Racoons from eating their often expensive pond fish. No dogs involved so be
sure and check things out before any direct accusations.
   Lee  K7TJR Oregon
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