[RFI] TV RFI - an update 2

Jim Brown jim at audiosystemsgroup.com
Thu Feb 14 12:58:04 EST 2008

On Wed, 13 Feb 2008 21:49:37 -0800, rrath at charter.net wrote:

>I have 10 turns or wraps on each torriod. Does it make a difference if I 
>wrapped them clock wise or counter clock wise? I went counter clock wise.  
>These are iron torroids not ferrite torroids. Make a difference?

As long as all turns are in the same direction, clock wise or counter clock 
wise doesn't matter. 

Iron vs. ferrite DOES make a difference. I haven't measured or seen data 
for any multiturn powdered iron chokes (and I don't think Fair-Rite makes 
any). Based on my research, I've come to the conclusion that Fair-Rite's #
31 material is by far the superior product for RFI suppression below 5 MHz, 
and is almost as good as #43 between 10 MHz and 200 MHz. 


Jim Brown K9YC

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