[RFI] Wired vs Wireless Routers for RFI

John Geiger n5ten at yahoo.com
Wed Jan 9 20:40:08 EST 2008

Hi Phil,

It is not the walwart as the one I have for the
ethernet hub is quiet.  I plugged it into the route
and the birdies show up anyways.

73s John AA5JG

--- Phil Duff & Ann Duff <na4m at arrl.net> wrote:

> Betcha a lot of these birdies are from switching
> type wall warts 
> powering the routers.
> Build a little sniffer from a couple small loops of
> wire on the end of a 
> short piece of small coax. Plug one end into the
> radios antenna input 
> and put the loop end close to the wall warts and
> check for noise.   
> Radio Shack (eek!) sells (or used to sell?)  plug in
> wall "AC Adapters" 
> (12vdc @ 1a & not switchers I think) that might be
> worth trying to 
> replace noisy wall wart switchers. 
> I use a LinkSys WRT54GS wireless router that doesn't
> seem to bother me 
> with any noticeable birdies with it's factory
> supplied wall wart.   YMMV!
> 73 Phil NA4M
> Kelly Johnson wrote:
> > Can someone share with me the expected birdie
> frequencies for these
> > routers?  I use a Netgear wired router and a
> Netgear wireless router
> > and I've never noticed any birdies from either of
> them.  The only
> > birdies I see on 20m are 60KHz apart and
> apparently coming from
> > another house since I can DF them with my yagi and
> eliminate them by
> > orienting my yagi in the appropriate direction. 
> What typical
> > residential devices would generate birdies at
> 60Khz intervals?  It
> > sounds like a typical switching power supply, but
> for what?  A PC?
> -- 
> -. .- ....- --   -. .- ....- -- -. .- ....- --
> Phil Duff NA4M & Ann Duff
> Georgetown, Texas
> http://priceless.apduff.com
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