[RFI] Wired vs Wireless Routers for RFI

gd0tep at safe-mail.net gd0tep at safe-mail.net
Fri Jan 11 11:27:45 EST 2008

Hi Group,

The screened CAT5 I use here is fitted with suitable plugs, complete with
screen. The plug connects to the screen of the router or what ever it is
you're plugging into. Most modern items using CAT5 sockets are fitted with a
screen connection.

Maybe fitting your cable with the right plugs will work with you piece of


-----Original Message-----
From: rfi-bounces at contesting.com [mailto:rfi-bounces at contesting.com]On
Behalf Of Paul Christensen
Sent: 11 January 2008 15:56
To: Jim Brown; rfi at contesting.com
Subject: Re: [RFI] Wired vs Wireless Routers for RFI

> "The biggest problem with using shielded CAT5 for this purpose is
> that for much of the equipment we are connecting, it isn't easy to
> find a suitable connection point for a cable shield..."


I continue to battle the same problems here.  I have a business-class Cisco
router without about a dozen unshielded CAT-5 cables connected to various
PCs and devices around the house.  I just purchased a box of 0.750"
Fair-Rite #31 core material and the result is that router birdies are
somewhat reduced, but still very annoying.  Half the battle with CAT-5 cable
is in getting enough windings on the core without running out of room.
Adding cores on the PC end seems to offer little befit, so it would appear
that the majority of the RFI source is coming right out of the router.

Any suggestions from here?  Going to an all wireless WiFi network here is
not an option at this time.

Paul, W9AC

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